M.S. Computer Science(Fall 2023 - Spring 2025)
Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Relevant Coursework
Operating system design and implementation. Process management, memory management, processor scheduling, concurrency, and deadlock.
Taken: Fall 2023
Advanced concepts and techniques in cryptography and data security.
Taken: Fall 2023
B.S. Computer Science(Fall 2021 - Spring 2024)
Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Relevant Coursework
Introduction to computer programming. Problem solving techniques and development of algorithms. Structured programming concepts. Introduction to object-oriented programming.
Taken: Fall 2021
Discrete mathematics for computer science. Introduction to the theory of computation, including finite automata, regular expressions, context-free grammars, Turing machines, undecidability, and computational complexity.
Taken: Spring 2022
Introduction to C programming. Pointers, dynamic memory allocation, recursion, concurrency, and data structures.
Taken: Spring 2022
Digital logic, instruction sets, x86 assemlby language programming, virtual memory, polling and interrupts.
Taken: Fall 2022
Abstract data types, stacks, queues, lists, trees, heaps, priority queues, balanced trees, graphs, hashing, sorting, and searching. Programming assignments in Java.
Taken: Fall 2022
Process address space, compiling, bash scripting, UNIX system calls, programming with threads, networks and socket programming, memory allocation, SQL, source control systems, and team software development. Shell project.
Taken: Spring 2023
Software life cycle models, requirements analysis, software design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Semester long team software project with scrum methodology.
Taken: Spring 2023
Complexity ananlysis, design, and proofs of correctness for problems utilizing divide and conquer, dynamic programming, linear programming, randomization, selection, computational geometry, shortest paths and graphs, load balancing and chernoff bounds. Theory of computation.
Taken: Spring 2023
Classical ciphers, block ciphers, public key cryptography, RSA, hash functions, and digital signatures.
Taken: Spring 2023
B.S. Mathematics(Fall 2021 - Spring 2024)
Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Relevant Coursework
Vectors, vector functions and space curves, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, line integrals, Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem.
Taken: Fall 2021
Linear algebra for math majors. Systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and applications.
Taken: Spring 2022
Introduction to proof techniques and mathematical rigor. Topics include logic, sets, functions, relations, cardinality, mathematical induction, extreme, meme, and intermediate value theorems.
Taken: Spring 2022
First order equations, linear equations, linear systems, Laplace transforms, numerical methods, series solutions, and applications.
Taken: Fall 2022
Rigorous examination of probability spaces, conditional and independent probabilities, Bayes theorem, continous and discrete probability distributions, moment generating functions, and the central limit theorem.
Taken: Fall 2022
Introduction to analysis of the real numbers, differentation, and Riemann integration.
Taken: Fall 2023
Analysis of complex valued functions, differentiation of complex functions, countour integrals, and elementary conformal mapping.
Taken: Fall 2023